Sunday, June 9, 2013

Goodbye Elder Kindred

Goodbye Elder!!

So on June 9, 2013 I had the wonderful opportunity to attend one of my best friends Farewell. Sadly I wasn't able to take a picture with him that day.

As I sat in his Wards Chapel (I'd arrived 30 mins early) realization suddenly dawned on me that my Best Friend is actually leaving! It didn't even seem that long ago when we were in Elementary playing outside in the playground together and now here we were getting ready to leave on our missions! I sat and listened to his talk and it deeply touched my heart. After sacrament meeting I went over to his house to hangout for a while. We joked around a bit along with a few of our friends from school that came to support him. When it was time for me to head home, I realized this was the last time I would see him for two years! I gave him a huge long bear hug! I honestly didn't want to let go but I knew I had too. I knew I would see him again in two years and he may be more mature and more spiritual than ever but he will always be that silly little boy I met in Elementary all those years ago! I'm so proud to have such an amazing missionary as my Best Friend! 

 I've known him for 8 years and we've gotten close over the years. It was definitely one of the hardest goodbyes I had to do, but I know in my heart he is doing the right decision in choosing to serve the Lord. He will be serving in Accra, Ghana for two years. 

Throughout the years I've know him he's always been a great example and strong in his testimony. I can definitely tell you he will be one great missionary! The people over in Ghana are so lucky to have such a sweet, loving, faithful servant of God. I may not see him for two years and yes I won't lie, I will miss him terribly but it brings me joy that he will be sharing the gospel to all the families who have been waiting years to hear the truth and so one day they too can be sealed their families for all eternity. 

D&C 133:37

37 And this gospel shall be preached unto every nation, and kindred, and tongue, and people